How OnTheClock's Web Time Clock Works

Explaining OnTheClock in 2 minutes, from opening your account to generating your first timecards.

We have dozens of options and switches for you to throw, but we only cover the basics here. Set up your account, add employees, let the employees punch in and out, and process hours for payroll. Start tracking time today and discover all of OnTheClock's powerful options!

How admins use OnTheClock

This video showcases the role of an admin, providing an overview of OnTheClock and how the software can be easily managed.

Employee Scheduling

Setting up employees' schedules has never been easier. Simply create a shift, click to add it, and drag it into future pay periods.

Integrate OnTheClock with QuickBooks Online

Syncing your OnTheClock timecards into QuickBooks online accounts is quick and easy. Here's how it's done.

How employees track time in OnTheClock

This video demonstrates how employees can quicly and easily punch in and out using OnTheClock.

Group punching with OnTheClock

Interested in punching in an entire department at once? This video shows how OnTheClock's group punching feature can help you accomplish that goal in seconds.

How to add a missed punch

Missed punches can be corrected in just a few clicks. Here's how!

Where are my employees punching in and out from?

OnTheClock's GPS tracking features allow you to monitor employees' punch locations. Here's a quick rundown on that feature.

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