Switch Jobs While Punched In

Some employees wear multiple hats within a company. This means he or she may be assigned to a specific job during the morning hours and a different job during the afternoon. Our Job Switching feature allows employees to smoothly transition between jobs without punching out.

Employee job switching

Benefits to Using OnTheClock’s Job Switching Feature

OnTheClock offers many time-saving features that are designed to improve your company’s goals by providing many benefits.

  • Accurately track time spent on different jobs.
  • Improve job billing.
  • Employees do not lose time during job switching.

How to Switch Jobs While Punched In

After the time clock administrator has turned on job selection for employees, job switching will then be enabled for the employees. Follow the simple steps below how to perform the job switching feature. 


  1. Sign in as the employee.
  2. Select Switch Job.
  3. Click the next Job.
  4. Update.
How to switch between jobs on the clock 

Conveniently Switch Between Jobs

OnTheClock has helped over 15,000 companies track over a half billion hours worked.