"The price is important, ease of use, and reporting options," Inga said. She operates an individual tax corporation across three locations throughout Florida.
Time Tracking Accuracy
Inga operates an individual tax corporation across three locations throughout Florida. She is focused on increasing business, and to strengthen her locations for top performance.
She had previously used paper timesheets and a wall mounted system. The time tracking system needed to be easy to implement in order for her employee to adopt it.
Inga has three locations where her employees travel to complete work. She knew she wanted a system that would allow for her to track by location and help her identify where employees were spending their time.
Inga was looking for a system that would help her run reports with ease. She often compares numbers to previous years so having this readily available would really boost productivity.
As a business owner you need to keep in mind a budget when adding new tools for staff to use. Inga was in search of something that would be budget friendly but still fit all her needs.
“The price is important, ease of use, and reporting options.”
Inga has enjoyed moving from paper to online. She said, “ Online allows me to check hours from anywhere,” which allows flexibility while managing multiple locations. Both Inga and manager’s keep tabs on the day with the mobile app. Inga is able to easily see how many hours are spent at each location, and which jobs are taking up the most time. She implemented OnTheClocks job & costing feature and has been able to run reports daily to show productivity. She has found that running reports on past periods has become simple and she can easily compare her previous years numbers. OnTheClock offers restrictions for where employees can clock in and out and Inga has found success in using IP authorization. Her employees use their computers at work and can only clock in and out if they are at the registered IP address for her locations. Pricing is affordable, she said, “I have many temporary employees due to being a seasonal business, I like that I only pay for who I need.”
"Online allows me to check hours from anywhere" - Inga