Edwards Construction Adds More Accountability with Time Tracking

Edwards Construction Adds More Accountability with Time Tracking

“I need something where my employees can easily punch from mandatory job sites and create notes, so I know what they did or if they experienced possible problems during the day,” said Sean.


Time Tracking Accountability


Faucett, MO

Edwards Construction

Tell us about you

Sean Edwards founded Edwards Construction in 2005. Edwards Construction focuses on demolition, excavating, hauling, and concrete work. The main goal is the continued growth of the business.

The challenges you faced

    User - Friendly

    Sean downloaded over 30 other time-tracking solutions to find one that was a good fit for him and his team. He needed an app for his type of work that would be easy to set up and have his team use to track their time. “I need something where my employees can easily punch from mandatory job sites and create notes, so I know what they did or if they experienced possible problems during the day,” he said.

    Relying on the honor system

    In the construction industry, there are no set times or set locations. Keeping track of hours when teams work at multiple locations can be difficult. They were manually writing their hours down and relying on the honor system at the end of the pay period. Depending on memory places a significant burden on the employees, leading to inaccuracy if they cannot recall their hours.

    Job & costing

    Sean needed a system that could track the hours by the job. This organization of hours will help increase accuracy for employees and relieve them of the stress of relying on their memory about what happened on a job last week. He knew his requirements were job selections made throughout the day and the ability for an employee to leave a note about the job.

“I need to be able to go back, and reference notes about a job ”

Sean Verified Customer

How OnTheClock helped

Sean says, “overall, it helps my employees accomplish their work and makes my life easier. It’s simple to use when clocking in or changing jobs.” They have found the flexibility OnTheClock offers for job tracking to be a huge plus. Employees can now clock in and select a job they are working on, and the system organizes it for Sean. “Switching jobs is simple. There are not too many steps,” he said. They no longer rely on the honor system. All the job site information and notes about the jobs are in one place for easy reporting. While searching for solutions, he mostly found that most apps were for those who work in the office or remote, “If OnTheClock works for me, then it’ll work for everyone since my work is constantly changing and clocking times vary,” Sean said. He mentioned that everything was straightforward; he set up the system by reading the website and has not had to contact support for help.

"If OnTheClock works for me, then it’ll work for everyone since my work is constantly changing and clocking times vary."
- Sean

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