Time and Hours Format

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You can customize the way time is displayed in your OnTheClock account. View time in a 24-hour format (a.k.a. military time), or switch from a decimal format to hours and minutes (i.e., HH:MM). Here’s how to set it up.


  1. Step 1: Log in as an administrator via browser.
  2. Step 2: Navigate to “Settings,” then “Time Clock Settings.”
  3. Step 3: Click on the “Advanced Settings” tab.
  4. Step 4: Under “Time Formatting,” select your preferred format for time and hours.
  5. Step 5: Click “Save.”

What to Expect

Time Formatting in HH:MM 

Time Formatting in Decimal

24 Hour Formatting (Military) 

12 Hour Formatting 


HH: MM (Hour: Minute) will only show on the website currently.
The CSV will display in decimal format because Decimal format allows for a more precise and accurate representation of hours worked than Hours and Minutes. Payroll providers and services, like QuickBooks Desktop, require that timesheets be in the most precise format, making it easy for you to use our CSV file for integration for payroll processing.
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What's Next

How To Read Time Cards

Learn more about the different information displayed on time cards and how to customize your time card view.

Punch Rounding

Learn how to set up punch rounding for simplified payroll processing.

Time Zones

Learn how to change your time clock’s time zone and daylight savings settings.