Free Employee Expense Template

Expense to Reimbursement Template

Employees can now record their work expenses with the free expense to reimbursement Tool

Allow employees to record their expenses easily

Simply make a copy of the free employee expense and reimbursement template and share it with your employees to record the expenses they need to be reimbursed for.


Fill out the company and employee info.

Fill out the template with the expenses.

Submit to management for approval.

Reimburse your employees.

Helpful resources at your fingertips

Decimal hours calculator

Convert minutes to decimal hours and vice versa.

View calculator

Military time converter

Automatically calculate the 12-/24-hour equivalent

View converter

Time sheet calculator

Automatically calculate the total hours for payroll.

View calculator

Over 15,000 companies track time effortlessly with OnTheClock

Simplify employee expense tracking by utilizing the attachments feature to upload images of receipts

Get started for free