The Michigan Earned Sick Time Law Simplified

The Michigan Earned Sick Time Law Simplified

A Guide to Michigan Paid Sick Time Law

Michigan's new sick time laws were passed by the state legislature on Sept 5. 2018. At this time, Michigan became the 11th state to adopt mandatory sick leave for employees, also known as the Paid Medical Leave Act (PMLA).

What does this mean for your business?  Here we will explain what the law is, how it affects your business, and what you need to do to stay legal.

This act officially became effective on March 29, 2019.

Please note that laws are consistently changing, so please reference the Michigan Legislature here for updates. 

Employers Must Give Sick Time Off

This new act effectively mandates that employers must establish a PTO policy where all employees (full or part time) must accrue a minimum of one hour for every 35 hours worked.  Accruing hours could also be viewed as earning hours, so if an employee worked 1,000 hours in one year, you would divide the 1,000 hours by 35 (1000 / 35 = 28.57), which equals 28.57 hours of sick time.

Who Is Not Entitled To Paid Sick Leave?

There are 12 categories of employees who are not eligible for the Paid Medical Leave Act (PMLA). You can view a complete list of non-eligible employees at this website:,4601,7-154-59886_91049---,00.html.

Max Sick Accrued Depends on the Size of Your Company

Per the act, an employer with 49 employees or fewer is exempt. If a company has 50 employees or more, it does not fall under the “small business” clause, and employees will be due more paid sick time.

49 Employees Or Fewer

With a small business of 49 or fewer employees, workers are not entitled to additional paid sick days.

50 Employees Of More

Michigan businesses with 50 or more employees may accrue up to a maximum of 40 hours of paid sick leave.  There is no allowance for unpaid sick leave here -- all 40 must be paid.

An employer may choose to increase the maximum amount an employee may accrue, if they so choose, but the amount cannot be lowered.

Approved Uses of Sick Time

Under Michigan's new paid sick leave act, there are definitions of what is considered “sick time”.  Here are some high-level concepts aiming to define exactly what is sick time.

  • The employee requires mental or physical care or treatment.
  • The employee's family members require physical or mental care. To apply, the employee is required to meet at the child's school or place of care related to his or her health or disability.
  • The employee's child's place of care or school closes.
  • Physical care or treatment may include care for sexual assault or domestic violence.

Accrued Sick Time Carries Over from One Year to the Next

According to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, the new Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act states that unused employee sick time (up to 40 hours) can be carried over to the next year, but employers are not required to allow employees to use more than 40 hours in a single benefit year.

For example, if your employee accrues 35 hours of sick time but only uses 10 hours on sick days, there is a remaining balance of 25 sick hours. Employers can carry the 25 hours over into the next calendar year, and the employee will effectively start the year with a positive bank of 25 sick hours. 

It's important to note the employer has the option to give the 40 hours upfront or decide to have employees accrue or prorate the hours. An employer also has the right to wait 90 days after an employee starts his or her job until he or she can use the sick time. 

Additionally, you, the employer, can choose how to calculate a “year” under the act.  A year must is defined as any consecutive 12-month period, for instance, from March 29, 2019, to March 28, 2020.

Accrued Sick Time Must Be Recorded

The new sick time act requires that all Michigan employers retain a minimum of three years of records documenting employees' hours worked and sick time taken.  These records must be properly recorded and easily understandable. 

How You Can Comply

The first thing that needs to be done is to set up proper employee time tracking and sick time off accruals. You can do this manually using pen and paper or even Excel.  While these manual systems will work, it is generally better to use online software, such as OnTheClock, or do a Google search for something like “Employee Time Clock” for another solution. 

The second item is to set up a PTO policy that covers Michigan paid sick time law. Keep in mind your company size, as 49 or fewer employees do not fall under the new Michigan Paid Sick Leave Law, and 50 or more employees are required to pay employees up to 40 hours for sick days. 

For additional information on how to track PTO or if you would like to understand more about proper paid time off, visit our Employee PTO Section

Accurately Track Paid Sick Hours

Know how many hours are used each year for Michigan sick time leave.

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a thought From Theresa on 3/17/2022 ...
I am having a medical procedure which will require three days off work. Day of, and two days of rest/healing. I was told that I would not be able to use any of my MI sick time because it's only to be used for call offs and not "future events." From what I've read it does cover my needs. Who is correct?
reply from OTC - Hi Theresa, We hope your medical procedure is successful and wish you a speedy recovery. As this law is a bit unclear with certain situations, we recommend contacting Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate information. Thank you for reaching out.
a thought From Bets on 2/21/2022 ...
I started with 40hrs sick time last year which I was using through the year. So shouldn’t I have been accruing new hour’s for the beginning of this year. From last year.
reply from OTC - Hi Bets. Your employer may not allow you to accrue additional time on top of the 40 hours already set for the year. We recommend consulting your HR department for additional information. We hope this helps.
a thought From JR on 10/19/2021 ...
If Michigan Law requires a company to give you paid 40 hour sick time a year..... To my that's considered "excused" time.....Can they refuse to pay you holiday pay if you call in sick the day before the holiday? Isn't the sick days excused???
reply from OTC - Hi JR. To our knowledge, an employer does not have to pay for holidays. Each company has its own rules and policies. It's important to speak with your HR department to have a clear understanding of what to expect. We hope this helps.
a thought From Paula on 10/16/2021 ...
The company that I will be employed with is based out of another state. They are offering vacation and PTO for sick pay - up to 40 hours per year. They say that if unused, they will NOT pay it out. In the state of California, they have a law that employers MUST pay out any unused vacation time or PTO. What are the rules for MI in that regard?
reply from OTC - Hello Paula. In Michigan, each employer has its own policies on whether or not it would like to pay out for unused vacation or PTO time. We recommend speaking with your HR department to learn more. We hope this helps.
a thought From Ella on 8/31/2021 ...
Hello! I am full time employee, and coworkers were telling me that our company (home care) does not provide any benefits. I asked the company if I get any sick time and three times they said that I don’t get any. This year, I insisted about the 40hrs/year sick time. Now, the company is willing to rollover the hrs from previous year, but I have to find the weeks that I did not work 40hrs/ and to have the doctors note too. So, is it ok for the employer to misinform or lied to the employees, denied the use of the earned 40hrs of sick time? Also, I don’t understand the carryover thing, since it is impossible to get the doctors notes after a year?
reply from OTC - Hi Ella. Thanks for reaching out. We definitely do not support any misinformation being communicated. We're sorry to hear about your situation. We recommend contacting Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs. You will be able to learn more about the legal aspect of your situation. We hope this helps.
a thought From Mason on 8/9/2021 ...
My employer is trying to say that in order to accrue a single hour, you need to work all 35 hours in a single week. So if I worked 32 hours 8 weeks in a row I would get 0 medical hours. Is this correct?
reply from OTC - Hello Mason, thank you for reaching out to us regarding Michigan paid sick time law. We recommend that you contact Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs for a more precise answer. We hope this helps.
a thought From Robert on 5/26/2021 ...
Is it legal for a company to require perfect attendance to earn sick time Like you get none unless you work 30 days no missed time then you get 1/2 say otherwise no sick time is given
reply from OTC - Hello Robert, great question. We are not legal experts, but we are under the assumption that if a company fits the criteria for Michigan paid sick time, then they must pay for that time. Since we are not 100% certain, we recommend reaching out to LARA Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs for further assistance and accurate information. Thank you for your inquiry and have a great day.
a thought From JL on 3/11/2021 ...
I was furloughed in March of last year. I was not allowed by my employer to use any of my accrued sick time but I was allowed to use my vacation time. Now I am considering resigning from that job as I am still on furlough. Do they have to pay me the sick time out since I was not allowed to use it?
reply from OTC - Hi and thanks for the question. Each organization's policies vary. We recommend referring to your employee handbook for additional information.
a thought From John on 4/19/2020 ...
My wife is a part-time nurse and has accumulated 18 PTO days. She is 2 months pregnant and with the current COVID situation, she is considering leaving her job. She has not informed her workplace however in the past they told her she can only cash PTO days in on the day of her work anniversary in February. Is she entitled to compensation for her days that she did not use if she leaves? If not, can she use her days until she runs out and then leave? What if they will not let her use them or cash them in?
reply from OTC - Hello John and thank you for reaching out. Each organization has their own set of rules regarding PTO. We recommend for her to look in her employee handbook for details regarding your questions or contact her HR department. Sorry we are unable to answer this for you - we are not legal experts. Have a great day and stay well.
a thought From Wendy on 4/9/2020 ...
I'm a part-time cashier at a large chain store. My hours are a max of 26, and my wage is $12 per hour. I am asking if there is a program that allows employees self-quarantine and get paid compensation for their absence. Being asthmatic, I have had asthma for many weeks and have self-quarantined myself twice. If I continue to do so, my employer will fire me. I feel I have the right being a risk because of my respiratory condition. I have been tested for COVID-19 and the test came back negative. Is there a program that can help people like me? I would really appreciate your help and guidance during this crisis. Thank you.
reply from OTC - Hi Wendy, we are sorry to hear about your situation. We are not legal experts, but our advice would be to consult with your Doctor since this is a medical issue you have. They may advise you to take a medical leave of absence due to your condition. Again, we are not legal experts and we are only recommending what we think could be an alternative for you. Stay safe and stay well. We wish you the best.
a thought From melanie on 4/8/2020 ...
I work in Michigan. because of Covid 19 quarantine. our agency has reduced hours. but requested to use PTO for others as I voluntarily reduced some but request to use PTO to cover others. Even thought I am nearly capped out on my PTO accrual, my request to use PTO was denied. Is this legal? can my accrued PTO be denied when they furlough my hours?
reply from OTC - Hello Melanie, it is our understanding that this is legal for your employer to do. If you are not ill or have a medical situation, an employer can deny you from using PTO. We recommend contacting your HR department or Michigan's LARA. We are not legal experts, so perhaps we are missing something and this is why we recommend contacting the above. Stay safe during this crisis.
a thought From Courtney Bartlett on 4/1/2020 ...
Because of COVID-19 my employer has really downsized. Except they didn’t lay off or fire staff they just took them off the schedule but said they have a job waiting for them when we get busier. I was lucky and still get to work full time, however my employer is saying that we are no longer allowed to use our PTO that we’ve accrued throughout the year. Are they allowed to do this? I’m still working full time and accruing PTO as I work, but are they allowed to tell me I can’t use PTO if I take a day off? Also my PTO will not rollover as of May 15th. Can they restrict me from using it, and get rid of my PTO that doesn’t roll over? It doesn’t seem right to me, but I was wondering about this from a legal perspective?
reply from OTC - Hello Courtney. We are not legal experts, so we can only recommend for you to contact Michigan's LARA for further information if you are looking for a legal perspective. You can also resort to your employee handbook or HR department for additional company information. Thank you for reaching out and stay well during these times.
a thought From Nicole on 3/24/2020 ...
Because of Covid-19 my office is forcing people to go home on a day to day basis (no lay offs, so no unemployment) to limit staff and to cover the time lost we either have to go unpaid or use pto. Is that legal? If they send me home (not because of being sick but because of limiting staff) shouldn't they have to cover my time off?
reply from OTC - Hello Nicole and thank you for reaching out. It is our knowledge that you employer is not obligated to pay you for the time they send you home unless you use your PTO. We are not legal experts in on this topic and we do recommend speaking to your manager or HR department to see what you options are. Also, we encourage you to contact Michigan's LARA for more details. We hope this helps.
a thought From Suzanne on 3/12/2020 ...
My company...a hospital shows our PTO and sick time as two different spots on pay stub. We were told that it shows that way just to satisfy the state of Michigan. We are not allowed to use sick time at all!!! Must use PTO. This really makes no sense.
reply from OTC - Sorry to hear about your frustration. As long as your employer is providing you with the legal amount of PTO to cover the sick time when needed, then it is our understand they are in compliance. Many employers have resorted in using their PTO to cover sick time because they cannot afford the additional time to have time for both. We hope this makes sense. We recommend contacting Michigan's LARA department for clarification in your unique situation. Have a wonderful day.
a thought From Emily on 3/5/2020 ...
I work 35+ hours a week at my job. Today they told me I only get 35 hours of sick time because I don't work a 40 hour week, is that correct?
reply from OTC - Hi Emily, it is our understanding that you are eligible to receive up to 1 hour of paid sick time per 35 hours worked. We hope this information helps you to understand more thoroughly. Have a great day.
a thought From Kris on 2/28/2020 ...
I work for a restaurant with less than 50 employees, but the owners of the restaurant have another restaurant with under 50 employees. Between both businesses there are well over 50 employees. While each restaurant is unique, the owners formed an LLC which I believe is the parent company for both restaurants. Does this law apply to us?
reply from OTC - Hi Kris. Thanks for the question. We do not know the answer to this question and we would hate to assume and provide you with false information. We recommend contacting LARA for a definitive answer.
a thought From M on 2/6/2020 ...
I was fired because I got points every time I used my accumulated sick time. Is this allowed?
reply from OTC - Hello and thank you for reaching out. To our knowledge, employers are still allowed to implement their points policy based on employee attendance. We are not legal experts and recommend you contact LARA. We hope this information is helpful.
a thought From Santonya Owens on 1/31/2020 ...
I get paid weekly gross income 1320. I was sick two days. I make 33/hour. I've been working for this company for two years so when the new law for sick pay was out into action I thought finally someone was understanding to agency workers. Now my company says agency workers are not qualified to receive sick time even if my contract is renewed for another year. It's bad enough that long term agency workers don't receive PTO or holiday pay when the company you are contracted with are closed. Also I can't change agencies and work for the same company which is Blue Care Network.
reply from OTC - Hello Santonya, we are sorry to hear about your situation. It is our understanding from reading the law that workers who are employed through a staffing agency do not qualify for paid sick time. Since we are not legal experts, we recommend contacting your HR department for further clarification. We hope you found value in our response.
a thought From Nancy on 1/28/2020 ...
On Dec. 30 I was at wsick. I called my boss and told her I felt we needed to make arrangements for someone to cover my position tomorrow because I felt so awful and didn’t think I would make it in. She repeated three times that I had no PTO left. I stated it was the last day of that y. She didn’t have any one to cover me because everyone else was on vacation leave (PTO). Our policy states we can borrow PTO. I went to work the next day sick. This was the first time in my 17 months there I asked for sick time. Your comments please.
reply from OTC - Hi Nancy! We're sorry for your inconvenience. We are not legal experts and we do not know your company's PTO policy. We recommend speaking with your HR department for accurate information. We hope this helps.
a thought From N on 1/20/2020 ...
Can my company take my next years vacation time because I used 40 hours of sick time last year?
reply from OTC - Hello there! The Michigan paid sick law states that companies with 50 or more employees must provide sick time to their employees.
a thought From Mark on 1/16/2020 ...
My sick pay disappeared after the first of the year 1/1/20, before then I had accrued 57 hours of sick pay via the 1 hour for every 32 or 40 which ever was designated. The sick pay that I generated was not there for a full calendar year can the company put you back to 0 hours of sick pay before the 12 month period. Can they make you start over after the first of the year?
reply from OTC - Hi Mark. It is our understanding that an employer does not have to carry over the sick time, but has the option to due so. Your employer may have a "use it or lose it" type of PTO policy where your hours reset at the beginning of each year. This could be at the end of the actual calendar year or at the end of your hire date. We recommend that you speak to management or your HR department to gather details of your PTO policy. They should be able to provide you with this information.
a thought From Tony on 1/15/2020 ...
I stated a new job in June of 2018. I work 37.5 hours per week. I am typically given 70 hours of PTO a year, however in 2019 I was given 35 hours because of when my 1 year anniversary was. I was curious as to if I should have had the 40 hours available instead. BTW the PTO is vacation, personal time, and sick time all in one.
reply from OTC - Hello Tony. We are assuming you are a part-time employee since you do not work at least 40 hours. This article states, "This new act effectively mandates that employers must establish a PTO policy where all employees (full OR part-time) must accrue a minimum of 1 hour for every 35 hours worked." You may need to inquire about this with your HR department. Also, many employers have changed their PTO policies to reflect vacation, personal and sick time to be in one. This is primarily due to the fact that many organizations cannot just add an additional 40 hours on top of their existing PTO policies. We hope this information has helped you.
a thought From charles on 1/11/2020 ...
My company is trying to make us use our vacation time and personal time for this. Can they do that?
reply from OTC - Hi Charles. Most companies have updated their PTO policies to reflect the new paid sick time law by using PTO hours for all paid time off, including sick days.
a thought From Dena on 1/9/2020 ...
I work for an employer based in Ohio with assets throughout the country but only 35 employees at the Michigan location. Under the local area management rules , a doctor note is required for 2 sick days. Sometime they ask for a note when only a day is missed. Is this requiredment against the labor law?
reply from OTC - Hi Dena. This is a question that we are not sure to what the answer is entirely. We would hate to give inaccurate information, so we are going to recommend that you contact the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. They will be able to answer this question since there is another state involved outside of Michigan. We hope this helps.
a thought From Matt on 12/19/2019 ...
What can I do if my company does not comply at all with this new law? We have 130 employees and we are not offered any pto or sick time. If we take time off it’s always unpaid. Who can I report this to?
reply from OTC - Hello Matt, thank you for your question regarding some additional information regarding the Michigan paid sick time law. In your situation we would recommend that you contact LARA. They have the authoritative role in this law. We hope this information helps you.
a thought From H on 12/8/2019 ...
If you seperate from an employer does the employer have to pay you for time you have not used?
reply from OTC - Hello, thank you for the question. According to an article by Thompson Reuters, vacation time in the state of Michigan is considered a fringe benefit and employers must pay fringe benefits according to the terms of their written contract or policy and cannot withhold any payments due at an employee's termination unless the employee agrees in writing of his own free will. We recommend checking your contract to see what you are entitled to. We hope this helps.
a thought From b on 11/20/2019 ...
I have a contract for the last 12 years and counting that says I get 3 weeks vacation every year upon my hiring date now this law comes along and my company is trying to tell me I dont get vacation i get PTO and there explanation was basically we're just blending your vacation time in with this law and I now have to accrue what I should of rightfully got upon my hiring date through out this year is this legal and ain't my contractual annual benefits separate from this law? also forgot to mention they didn't even tell us this til October
reply from OTC - Hello, thank you for the question. We believe this is defined as being legal since you are contracted in to work for the company. However, we are not 100% certain, so we would recommend contacting LARA for this question. Regarding your vacation time being considered as PTO: many companies are choosing to have just PTO time so it covers sick and vacation days. This law has made it difficult for companies to just allow 40 additional hours to freely payout to their employees. Again, since you have a contract, please contact LARA to see what your entitled to. Have a great day.
a thought From Kgauthier on 11/14/2019 ...
After 20 years of committed employment at a plant in Kalamazoo My spouse lost his job even with a dr notes taking him off work because he pneumonia. they told him he used all his sick leave . Having a dr excuse doesn't matter with this new bill. What are his legal right now.
reply from OTC - Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry to hear about your husbands misfortune. We cannot give any legal advice since we are not legal experts. However, we can recommend that you contact LARA. They will be able to provide you with much more information.
a thought From JAIME on 11/12/2019 ...
My employer has never offered paid sick time. Recently they said our vacation time is now called pto time. We accrue 1 weeks vacation after 1 year of full time work, 2 weeks of vacation after 3 years of full time work, etc. My employer forces us to use our vacation time for a sick day. Is this appropriate? I thought under the new law, an employer with over 50 employees is required to provide paid sick leave.
reply from OTC - Hello Jaime, Thank you for the question. To our knowledge the answer to your question is yes. An employee is allowed to use PTO towards your sick days. Many employers are practicing this because it is costly to offer additional days off on top of their current PTO policy. As long as the PTO being offered is the amount that is required by law. We recommend contacting LARA if you feel like your company is in violation and they will be able to provide you with an in-depth reasoning.
a thought From Sheryl on 10/30/2019 ...
My employer did not increase our PTO when this law was established. They told us to use PTO when ill. Nothing has changed. Full time employees do not get additional sick time? Our PTO hours did not increase either. I guess I am confused.
reply from OTC - Hi Sheryl, thank you for the question. Your employer does not have to give you additional PTO if their current policy is already structured to provide the proper amount of hours to cover sick time. Many companies have used their current PTO policy for the new Michigan Paid Medical Leave law as long as their PTO hours are at the minimum that is required for sick leave. We hope this helps. If you would like additional details regarding this question, then we recommend contacting LARA. Have a great day.
a thought From Clinton Harris on 10/29/2019 ...
Sorry I didn’t specify, can you lose your job, or obtain any negative points when useing sick pay. I know they are required to pay you for sick time but can they add those sick hours into negative points and use them against your raise and employment status
reply from OTC - Hi Clinton, This is a topic worth contacting LARA since we are not legal experts. This law can be tricky to fully understand with micro-details.
a thought From Clinton Harris on 10/29/2019 ...
Can your employer give you an attendance occurrence (punishment) and still pay you. At my job they give you points for using sick time which add up and account to negative points which they use against your raise and employment . (Firing)
reply from OTC - Hello Clinton, Many companies use the points system when employees take the day off, are late, etc. We hope this helps.
a thought From Dayna on 10/13/2019 ...
My employer does not provide paid vacation time until you have five years with the company, only one week unpaid vacation per year for the first five. When I asked my manager about earned paid sick leave I was told they do not have to provide this. The company has more than 50 employees, so why do they not have to comply? Shouldn't I be receiving paid sick leave? I have been there more than 90 days.
reply from OTC - Hi Dayna, if your employer fits the criteria laid out by Michigan law for paid sick leave, then they are entitled to pay. We recommend contact LARA for further information as details seem to be changing on this topic every so often. Thank you for reaching out.
a thought From Bill on 9/10/2019 ...
Can we require an employee to show us a note from a physician when they are sick? We are small business and sometimes certain employees are sick and we are not sure if they really are or are just taking the time off and calling in sick.
reply from OTC - Hello Bill, Great question. It is our understanding that you can ask an employee for a physician's note if they are sick. Many of these topics have been in and out of the courts so we recommend contacting LARA directly to confirm this. We hope this helps.
a thought From Brian on 9/9/2019 ...
We have an employee who worked a 40 hour week and then volunteered for overtime on Saturday. He then called in sick for this voluntary day, Is he eligible for a paid day off?
reply from OTC - Hello Brian, This is a great question. Overtime pay would not be due because the employee did not work, but since he was on the schedule to work Saturday (although he volunteered) and called in sick, our knowledge would be that the employee is eligible for PTO. This is only from our knowledge and we are not payroll professionals. Since each state holds their own laws and regulations we recommend contacting a local accounting or payroll company to clarify. Or you can reference back to your PTO policy currently in place. We hope this information helps.
a thought From Doug on 9/1/2019 ...
I work for a company with greater than 50 employees and we have a sock leave policy. If I follow the sick leave policy and take sick leave. Can my employer require me to still work from home while on sick leave?
reply from OTC - Hello Doug, Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the Michigan Paid Sick Time Law. We have been told that many topics are going through court. We are not sure which topics or examples these are, but we do know that an employer is obligated to issue the day off for an employee if they are sick. To answer your question, we would recommend reaching our to LARA. They would be more qualified to answer this for you. Have a great day.
a thought From Cathy on 8/30/2019 ...
If an employee uses all the sick time hours stating they have no babysitter will the employer then be able to fire that person for too much time missed?
reply from OTC - Hi Cathy, We would like to state that we are not legal experts on this topic and some companies have stricter guidelines than others do. It is our opinion that if an employee exhausts all their paid sick time and PTO then it's a good chance the employee can be terminated. This is something you should speak to your HR department about to get a clarified answer. We hope this information helps you.
a thought From Eileen on 7/26/2019 ...
My employer, when I told him about it, smirked and said, "I'm sure we'll be able to find a way around it". Is this possible? If they try to, what can I do about it?
reply from OTC - Hi Eileen, we highly recommend contacting the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and explain the situation with them. They will be able to provide additional information regarding this law and what your employer has to do in order to comply. Thank you for reaching out, -OTC Team
a thought From Trish on 7/19/2019 ...
Does the law say that sick time has to be calculated separately from other PTO? Right now my company just has PTO and no sick time.
reply from OTC - Hi Trish, many companies use their PTO towards the Michigan Paid Leave Act law. For example, if your employer gave you 40 hours of PTO in the past, chances are they now use those 40 hours to be counted towards your sick/medical leave so they abide by the law. Not many companies are adding an addition 40 hours of sick time on top of their already existing PTO policy. We recommend speaking directly with your HR department to see exactly how they are doing it. Thank you for reaching out.
a thought From Daniel on 6/12/2019 ...
My employer (who definitely employs more than 50 employees) says no more than 6 employees can use PTO ( which I'm guessing is sick time since we don't have a "sick time" but have 40 hours of pto per mandated minimum) per one shift. If 7 people with pto call off because they're sick, is it allowable for the 7th person to be reprimanded?
reply from OTC - Hi Daniel, this is a great question. It is our understanding that an employer who qualifies and is mandated to give paid medical leave to their employees must do so no matter how many employees are out that day. However, this is only our understanding, and we recommend you contact LARA with the state of Michigan to confirm. Thank you for reaching out and have a great day!
a thought From M on 6/4/2019 ...
My employer is requiring a doctor note after each day of being sick and that will automatically take out of PTO. If we don't get a doctor's note we won't get pto and will get a point against us for u scheduled time off. I read somewhere that the employer has to reimburse for doctor's visits to gets note, is this true?
reply from OTC - Hi, thank you for reaching out. We believe it was in the original proposal for employers to reimburse the employee if they saw a doctor for a doctor's note per the employer's request. We are not 100% sure, but we think this idea is NOT in the actual law as of now. With that being said, it is our knowledge that an employer does not have to pay for your doctor visit when obtaining a doctor's note. We hope this information is helpful.
a thought From Wanda Schilling on 5/30/2019 ...
Can the employer use the Michigan Earned Sick Time to replace Vacation Time? Wanda
reply from OTC - Hi Wanda, thank you for the great question. The answer is yes. Employers do have the right to replace employee's vacation time with PMLA. This seems to be a common practice for many companies since it would cost a lot of money to add the additional sick time on top of the vacation time. We hope you find this information helpful.
a thought From Robyn Reed on 5/29/2019 ...
Does the employer have to pay the Dr. office visit fee, if they require a doctors note before three days?
reply from OTC - Hi Robyn, we believe the idea of the employer paying for the employee's doctor visit was in the original proposal, but is not included in the law that was passed. We recommend verifying this information with LARA, but this is our understanding of it. Thank you for contacting us.
a thought From Gail on 5/10/2019 ...
Our company uses the accrual method - 1 hour for every 35 worked. Does this mean that if I work 30 hours in one week, my hours carryover to the next week until I reach 35 and then I get the hour of paid time and the balance for the 2nd week carries over to the next week etc. etc.
reply from OTC - Hi Gail, yes it is our understanding that this is how it works. This is why it's very important for you and your employer to track hours worked. If you're an employee then you can make a free account to track your own personal hours to make sure they align with what your employer has on record. Thank you for reaching out.
a thought From Jason David Baird on 5/9/2019 ...
So if someone makes over $35,308 in 2019, then this law doesn't even apply to them because they are exempt, is that correct?
reply from OTC - Hello Jason, the income doesn't necessarily classify an employee being exempt or not due to many factors that classify exempt vs nonexempt workers. LARA states An individual who is exempt from overtime requirements under section 13(a)(1) of the fair labor standards act, 29 USC 213(a)(1) would not be considered eligible. We hope this helps.
a thought From Mason on 5/3/2019 ...
I missed a day of work due to illness and my employer is saying that I MUST use PTO for that shift I would have worked. I work in secondary education administration part time. I asked if I could just be unpaid and they said no. Is this legal?
reply from OTC - Hello Mason, great question. It's common practice for many employers to have employees use PTO when they miss a day rather than taking it unpaid. We hope this helps.
a thought From juan on 5/3/2019 ...
If I earn 40 hrs sick time and find a new job the next year does my company have to pay me for the hours earned or do I lose them?
reply from OTC - Hi Juan, this is a good question. We do not believe that a company has to pay you for unused paid sick days. We hope this helps.
a thought From Jeremy on 5/2/2019 ...
My work implemented the new law but turned one week of vacation time we already had and turned the five days of vacation time into the sick days? Is this legal?
reply from OTC - Hi Jeremy, employers are commonly doing this because it is hard for small businesses to afford giving an additional 40 hours of paid time off for every employee. But to answer your question, it is legal as long as they are giving you the proper amount of time off for paid medical leave even if that means adjusting your vacation time policy. We hope this information helps you.
a thought From Mark on 4/27/2019 ...
I am in a union. We do not have sick days in our contract, we only have 2 days that we have to schedule ahead to see a doctor and 12 vacation days . If I opt out of the union do my company have to now give me sick days under the new law?
reply from OTC - Hi Mark, great question. Since we do not know the terms of your union contract, we recommend that you discuss this with your HR department.
a thought From Crystal on 4/24/2019 ...
My work says that we only receive the PMLA after we have used all of our vacation pay and have also exhausted all FMLA. Is that allowed?
reply from OTC - Hi Crystal, it is our understanding that the employer has the right to require employees to use vacation time before paid medical leave. However when it comes to FMLA, we are not 100% sure how this works with the paid medical leave. We recommend contacting LARA to clarify this question. Thank you for reaching out.
a thought From Ryan on 4/24/2019 ...
Can sick time be combined with PTO if you only get 40 hours a year? I’ve only been with my company for a year and got 40 hours PTO in January. My employer says the 40 hours MUST be used in conjunction with my time off or I’m assuming it counts against us (we get 4hrs a month for perfect attendance) Are they allowed to do this?
reply from OTC - Hi Ryan, thank you for the question. If your employer falls under the requirements that makes them subject to the new PMLA law, then they must allow an employee 40 hours of paid medical leave per a 12-month benefit year or they can choose to have employees accrue 1 hour of paid medical time for every 35 hours worked until 40 hours is reached. Whether or not they decide to classify it under PTO or not is up to them as long as they are allotting the amounts previously mentioned. We hope this is helpful.
a thought From Tracy on 4/19/2019 ...
What if an employer does not have 50 employees, but then hires and hits that 50 employee mark, and then due to quits and terminations goes below the 50 employees. Once started in giving sick time off, does it stop when the employer goes back below 50 employees?
reply from OTC - Hi Tracy, very very very interesting question. This information is not provided in the document we have. We recommend visiting the DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS website for further assistance. Thank you.
a thought From Ron on 4/19/2019 ...
If I had 40 hours vacation at the beginning of this year and used it before this law passed will I still accrue hours after the law had passed
reply from OTC - Hi Ron, thanks for reaching out. This is interesting because your 40 hours was considered vacation time and not sick time. Although we are not sure how your PTO policy is structured, we recommend speaking to your HR department or contacting LARA to better assist you.
a thought From Kari on 4/17/2019 ...
My employer now says to get PTO has to be documented with Dr note in order to get paid. With stomach flu you know it's a one day thing and don't often go to dr, especially when it involves a $35 copay. I thought it was after 3 days they can require a note. Can they require a note for just one day? Also reading in earlier postings I read that if they require a note, they are required to pay? The copay? Did I read that right?
reply from OTC - Hi Kari, here is the updated information: An eligible employee shall, when requesting to use paid medical leave, comply with his or her employer's usual and customary notice, procedural, and documentation requirements for requesting leave. An employer shall give an eligible employee at least 3 days to provide the employer with documentation. This act does not prohibit an employer from disciplining or discharging an eligible employee for failing to comply with the employer's usual and customary notice, procedural, and documentation requirements for requesting leave.
a thought From Steve tyler on 4/17/2019 ...
Hi. How does this affect fmla? I got injured on the job at work. I now have fmla. My employer is forcing me to use the sick time or pml as they call it and if I was to follow my fmla to a T then i will be out of my sick time in 2 weeks? Is this correct please clarify. Because my injury is to my shoulder. I'm not sick and could use it if I was to be sick. HELP
reply from OTC - Hi Steve, this is a great question, and one that we cannot seem to find the answer to. We're sorry that we are unable to assist you with this, but please contact LARA. Here is their website:,4601,7-154-59886_91049---,00.html
a thought From Nancy B on 4/16/2019 ...
To clarify, if my employer already gives me 80 of PTO per year (to use for sick and/or vacation as I choose), do they have to give me an additional 40 hours of sick time per the new law if I use all my PTO as vacation or do they have to set the PTO as 40 sick and 40 vacation to be compliant? And if so, can I technicially use the 40 designated as sick as vacation if I choose?
reply from OTC - Hi Nancy, With the new Paid Medical Leave Act, your employer does NOT have to give you an additional 40 hours per year since they already give more than enough PTO (80). But it is recommended they have it divided 40 hours for sick time and 40 hours of vacation time since you are required to receive 40 hours of paid sick time per year. The 40 hours of paid sick time under the Paid Medical Leave Act was not designed for employees to take advantage of for vacation time, but rather for actual medical leave time. An employee could technically say they are "sick" while being on vacation instead, but the employer does have the right to request a Doctor’s note. So we do not recommend for employees trying to pull a fast one on their employers by falsely using their paid sick time for vacation time, because not only is it unethical, but it can also catch the employee in a lie. We hope this helps.
a thought From marco on 4/15/2019 ...
Can employers still do point based absence sysytem and fire people for using this sick leave in too many different times?
reply from OTC - Thanks for inquiring. It is our understanding that the employer can still use the point system. We hope this helps.
a thought From Brooks on 4/13/2019 ...
How long does my employer have before they start accruing sick time hours? I understand they are restructuring, but every week there is a delay, we are losing sick time hours
reply from OTC - Hello Brooks, The new Paid Medical Leave Act went into effect March 29, 2019. With this being said, the employer would either have to allow employees to start accruing 1 hour of paid sick time per 35 hours worked OR they can give the 40 hours of paid sick time up front starting on that day. If your employer has not done so then we recommend contacting The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs to gather additional information. Their website is: We hope this information helps you.
a thought From Marie on 4/13/2019 ...
My employer took our vacation time away and turned it into PTO. I initially had two weeks paid vacation coming up next month. Now they are giving us 8 hours of PTO a month that they say will give me my 80 hours by December and if I don't use it I will loose it. Now with the new sick law people have been calling off using PTO. Well today we get notified that if we call in sick and have PTO we will get paid for it but they are also giving us points for calling in. If we don't have any PTO and call in sick we don't get paid and we still get 2 points for calling in
reply from OTC - Hi Marie, Technically vacation time would fall under PTO (paid time off). However it sounds like your employer is just grouping all your paid time off, including vacation time, into PTO. Regarding the point system, this is something we recommend that you reach out to LARA since they would know the law on this particular situation. Here is their website:
a thought From Joe on 4/12/2019 ...
Please define employer paid. Part of our compensation is earned time benefits. So much time accrued by length of employment. Now since this law in effect as of 3/29/19 my employer is taking 2.59 hours biweekly from my earned time benefit! So what are they paying for! This is taking away from my agreed and documented benefit. I understood that as of 3/29/19 this law requires my employer to pay this time. Can you please comment on this? Thank you
reply from OTC - Hello Joe, It sounds like your employer has adjusted their PTO policy to coincide with the new law. Since we do not know what your company's PTO policy is, we really do not know why or what the reasoning is. We recommend contacting your HR department and they should be able to provide you with further details that will allow you to understand what is going on. Thank you for reaching out.
a thought From Jane on 4/11/2019 ...
My employer provides PTO based on years of employment (this year I received 32 hours). The PTO time is credited in January. Our vacation time is credited at the employee anniversary date and varies based on years of service (my anniversary date is in November and this November I will get 120 hours vacation time). Is my employer in violation of the new Mandatory Paid Sick Leave Law?
reply from OTC - Hi Jane, The law states that employers with more than 50 employees have to allow their employees to accrue 1 hour of paid sick time per 35 hours worked up to 40 hours OR employers have the option to give the 40 hours up front. We hope this helps.
a thought From Penny on 4/10/2019 ...
Hi, Are temporary employees who work long term assignments entitled to sick time? Thanks
reply from OTC - Hi Penny, Thanks for the question. There are 12 categories of employees that are not eligible for paid medical leave. You can view a complete list of non-eligible employees here: We hope this helps.
a thought From Jeff on 4/10/2019 ...
Does this new law cover public school employees? We've been told that if an employer already offers "sick time" that the new law does not affect them. We are currently offered paid sick time though it is generally declined when we try to use it. My employer claims we are under-staffed and essentially requires us to come to work. Can my employer (a public school) decline to pay sick time when it is needed?
reply from OTC - Hi Jeff, Thank you for reaching out. It is our understanding that your employer cannot deny you of sick time due to the new paid sick law that took place on March 29, 2019. Assuming they fit the requirement of having at least 50 employees or more, the law states that employees must accrue 1 hour of paid sick time per 35 hours worked OR be given 40 hours up front per year. This does NOT mean employees get an additional 40 hours of paid sick time on top of what they are currently receiving, but it simply means that employees are entitled to 40 hours of paid sick time each year. We recommend that you look further with LARA - here is their website:,4601,7-154-59886_91049---,00.html We hope this information helps you.
a thought From Johb on 4/10/2019 ...
Our company is taking our paid sick time out of our vacation time, is that allowed? I ask because if I use my 2 weeks of vacation, then get sick, I shouldn’t be able to get my sick time.
reply from OTC - Hello, Many companies are restructuring their PTO policies to accommodate for the new Michigan paid sick law. Some include using existing PTO hours as paid sick time. An example would be: If a company was offering their employees 80 hours of vacation time previously to the new paid sick law, they now may divide that up into 40 hours of vacation time and 40 hours of paid sick time. We recommend speaking with your HR department to get the actual layout of your PTO policy. We hope this information was helpful.
a thought From Shaun on 4/8/2019 ...
My work says this is for union workers only. Are they correct, I couldn’t find a definitive answer online.
reply from OTC - Hi Shaun, No, this law does not only apply to union workers only. The new law applies to businesses with 50 employees or more. We hope this helps.
a thought From Aaron on 4/6/2019 ...
I work for a trucking company that is based in Tennessee but I do most of my work in Michigan and pay Michigan taxes. How does this new law apply to me?
reply from OTC - Hi Aaron, This is a great question. We recommend that you contact LARA on this one since we do not have an answer. Here is their website:,4601,7-154-59886_91049---,00.html
a thought From Jack on 4/5/2019 ...
My work is taking your first 5 days of vacation and using it as PTO time. If I'm not sick during the year, and use my time only as vacation and didnt use PTO time, will it carry over or do I have to save a weeks vacation to carry over, or is it lost because I took one weeks vacation of my 2 weeks, which was designated PTO time.
reply from OTC - Hi Jack, Regarding paid sick time, an employer is required to carry over accrued unused time for accrual method. An employer is not required to carry over time for the front-loaded method (dispersed up front at the beginning of the year). We hope this helps answer your question.
a thought From ashley on 4/3/2019 ...
my work does accruals for vacation time. and now with the new sick leave law they are doing accural for that as well. the accrual rate is the same for both. so with this in mind, do i lose accrual time for vacation time because of this? or will i accrue both at the same time.
reply from OTC - Hi Ashley, Great question! Employers have a few options on how they can give out the 40 hours of paid sick time. 1. Employers can give employees 40 hours right away to us throughout a year. 2. Under the new Michigan paid sick law, workers will accrue one hour of sick time for every 35 hours worked up to 40 hours accrued. With that being said, if you are saying your employer is giving you the same accrual amount for vacation as they are for paid sick time, then that also should be 1 hour per 35 hours that you work. This is something that we recommend you speak to your HR department about since we do not know their PTO policies. It will also allow you to have a better understanding what you are entitled to as an employee. We hope this helps, OTC Team
a thought From Daniel on 3/30/2019 ...
I have two weeks vacation now they changed it to all pto but i still only get two weeks one vacation and medical. So really I'm losing a week vacation. Can they do that
reply from OTC - Hi Daniel, Many companies in the state of Michigan seem to be modifying their paid time off policies since the new paid sick law took place. It is our understanding that as long as employers who are required to offer the 40 hours of paid sick time do so, then the remaining PTO they offer to employees is strictly up to them. Please note that we are not legal experts and this is only our understanding of the law.
a thought From Rob on 3/28/2019 ...
My work has said that our vacation and sick time is put together. So here’s my question if I’m given 3 weeks vacation time a year and I take one week for a vacation in February am I not eligible for sick time the rest of the year even when I still have two week left ?
reply from OTC - Hello Rob, The new law states that employers who fall under the new paid sick law are required to give their employees 40 hours of paid sick time per year. How they choose to structure that into their PTO policy is strictly up to them as long as they are giving the 40 hours for paid sick time. We recommend speaking with your HR Department to gather additional information.
a thought From Dee on 3/15/2019 ...
Our Union people are saying we will have to wait until we have a new contract before we can use this sick time (in 2020). Can a union override State Law?
reply from OTC - Hi Dee, This is a good question. We aren't quite sure to the exact answer of your question. However, we do recommend reaching out to Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. They will be able to provide you with further details regarding a possible union override.

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