How to Know if Employees Are Clocking In

How to Know if Employees are Clocking In

How to Know if Employees are Clocking In

Ever wondered if your employees are actually on the clock or not? Without a system in place, there's always a chance they may have either forgotten to clock in.

Due to technological advancements, employees no longer have to punch a paper card with a machine. Instead, employees can use a self-served device to clock in and out with using assigned login credentials. However, some employees may still aim to "cheat the system" by fraudulently punching in hours, and others may neglect to clock in altogether.

Therefore, you, the business owner and/or manager, have to be one step ahead of this fraudulence by preventing time theft and utilizing time tracking software

The Benefits of Using a Time Clock Calculator

There are so many benefits to working in this way and being able to track and monitor your employees working time using a time clock calculator and have the data integrate seamlessly with whatever payroll provider you’re using, some of which include:

  • It gives employees more flexibility in how they clock in, i.e., on their phones, online, via a kiosk station, using a biometric reader, etc.
  • Remote workers can clock in and out on multiple devices, as long as they have internet access.
  • Managers will not only be able to communicate better with workers, but they can also set GPS limits for clocking in, thus preventing time theft from certain employees.
  • Employees can check schedules and request changes.

Time clock software also offers a PTO calculator with payroll integration with many software applications, which can have a massive impact on the way you manage your staff’s hours and payment.

Is an employee running late for work? Does he or she needs to inform you? Modern time tracking systems also offer great alternatives for employees to communicate through messaging features, which are included in the software. 

When tracking employees’ timecards for payroll reporting, it's crucially important to be accurate. Therefore, today’s time clock software and systems allow seamless integrations and support with payroll providers (i.e. Quickbooks, Gusto, Accounting CS, Paychex, ADP, etc.). 

Employees can check schedules and request changes 24/7, and managers have full control over whether or not those changes are approved or denied. This ensures controls is maintained across all employee schedules.

Writing project manager, Libby Farmer says, “The best part about having a web-based time clock for your employees is that the system will never go down for maintenance or get broken. Plus, you never have to worry about software and hardware growing outdated.”

So, why not opt for a more robust time clock system that holds the entire workforce accountable for their time worked?

Consider these six methods to ensure your employees are clocking in and working with an efficient time clock system:

Check Who’s In and Working

Hot desking and remote working has never been more integrated in the workplace, and more people fit into these categories than ever before. This, of course, has made it harder than ever to track employees while ensuring everyone is putting enough time in.

After all, not everybody is cut out for working at home, and while your business may have been forced to implement a remote working process, you need to be on it when it comes to tracking hours.

Using a time clock calculator, you can see exactly who’s clocked into work and who’s currently working on the clock. This will give you a very clear and quick idea on who's working and who isn’t. If you come across any problems, you will have all the hard data you need to raise and address your concerns.

Since you’re the administrator, you will also have full control over the clock-in system. This means easily being able to access everyone’s times and then seeing where their time is being allocated as well as being able to manually clock people in and out and make corrections as necessary. Not everybody is technically literate, and many may struggle with digital punches at first. Over time, employees will learn how to utilize digital time sheets and PTO calculators, ensuring your records are as accurate as possible.

Establish Time Clock Users and Permissions

As you set up a time clock system, you must determine who can access what. 

Here are the three types of users to consider when setting up the system:

  • Employees punch in and out from a computer or mobile device, and they can view timecards, request PTO, adjust their schedules, etc.
  • Managers can view and or adjust their assigned employees, view who’s on the clock, and have an overview on employee time cards.
  • Administrators are the top-level individuals in a time clock system. Accordingly, admins have full access to all settings, managers, employees, timecards, and the overall final say for options and settings.

Enable Biometric Authentication

Nowadays, fingerprint (biometric) authorization is a preferred option, omitting manual passwords. This method guarantees management and admins that employees are physically at their work location(s). All you need is an inexpensive computer or tablet and the reader -- the setup is a breeze. And, the best part: Multiple employees can punch in and out quickly and efficiently.

Activate GPS Settings and Punch Restrictions 

While allowing your employees to download your time clock system’s app may sound like a good idea, keep in mind that someone might try to clock in, even if they’re 100 miles from work. So, instead of setting the system up for failure, take the app usage a step further by enabling GPS and other punch restrictions.

The administrator will be able to control exactly how and when their employees are able to clock in and out. Enabling geofencing (GPS) will not allow employees to punch in or out unless they’re at a specific location/radius that is assigned (typically your work location). This prevents clocking in at home from their phones when they’re trying to trick the system into thinking they're at the office.

IP address restrictions can be enabled to only allow employees to punch in and out from assigned IP addresses. An example of this is when an office’s internet IP address is used to be recognized on devices that employees use to punch the clock. If the employee is not connected to the authorized IP address, they will not be able to clock in or out. 

Another amazing GPS feature for a time clock software to provide is live GPS tracking for employees who are traveling. This is a great way for employers to gain an understanding of just how productive their mobile employees are during their daily routes. 

Employee Scheduling

Employees can easily check their schedules to learn about new shifts and completed shifts. They can also see which location they’re scheduled to work at as well as specific time frames and pay periods.

On the other hand, administrators and managers can duplicate employee schedules and fill in their calendars for the whole month instantly. They will also see who is scheduled at which location, and who is on paid time off. Managers can also set fixed schedules for full-time employees who start and finish at the same time daily.

Track Paid Time Off and Overtime

Track employees’ PTO by creating allotments or accruals with start and end dates. When an employee requests time off, managers can either approve or deny them. Once approved, the requested time off is added to the employee’s timecard to ensure accurate time and payroll. The PTO used is automatically deducted from the employee’s PTO balance.

Managing overtime is a fantastic way to see who is clocked in and what percentage of the workload they’re doing. Sure, everything can feel a bit up in the air when you are trying to make your customers happy and keep everything moving forward, but if you have a handful of people doing 90% of the work, and the other group of people are slacking off, you will need to address this in order to maximize the efficiency of your business. 

Accurately tracking overtime also helps keep your business in budgets that are set for your job and payroll expenses along with abiding by state and federal regulations. For example, California's overtime law can be cumbersome and frustrating, but having the proper tools in place to track overtime will help overcome these hurdles. 

Wasted time costs American businesses up to $759 billion per year, according to Floordaily.


Payroll and timekeeping technology continue to evolve. Modern time clock software allows business owners to manage time data more efficiently. This will not only help you know exactly who's currently working but allow you to accurately track their time. Implementing these practices ensure employees are practicing integrity in their punches and that they're working at the right place and time.

Use a Modern Time Clock to Track Time

Do you know who’s clocked in?

OnTheClock Employee Time Tracking

Written by

OnTheClock Team

OnTheClock is the perfect app for business that want to keep track of their employees' time without spending hours doing it. With OnTheClock, you can forget about the old way of doing things.

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