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How To Help Your Employees Clock In and Out

How To Help Your Employees Clock In and Out

How To Help Your Employees Clock In and Out

You can set up an effective employee time clock, but you can’t guarantee they'll remember to clock in every day. Having an efficient clock-in process is a critical issue for business owners because it influences labor costs. Here’s what you need to know to encourage workers to clock in and out and better track employee hours.


10 Ways to Make Clocking In and Out Easier

Need to increase the accuracy of your time tracking? Check out this list to find methods that will work for your company and employees.


1. Make Sure Your Time Clock is Easy to Use

Get feedback from your employees to find out what they’re struggling with so you can fix it. If your software is slow or your process is hard to follow, employees are sure to avoid it or forget it.


2. Invest in Options for Remote Employees to Punch the Clock

More companies are letting their employees work from home or on the road. And that can be a nightmare for HR teams. Give employees the power to clock in and out from anywhere they have an internet connection, and consider an option that offers a mobile app.


3. Create Incentive Programs for Clocking In

Want to give your workforce motivation to be diligent with time tracking? You can create incentive programs to get employees excited about managing time cards. A few options include: 

  • Host a company-wide competition with monthly or quarterly rewards for perfect timesheets
  • Challenge teams to hold each other accountable to have accurate timesheets
  • Recognize new employees for understanding the timesheet process

Rewards can range from small celebrations, like catered breakfast to extra vacation time. You want your team to work for their rewards, but not feel like they’re out of reach. 

Learn more about how to incentivize employees.


4. Develop a Disciplinary Process When Employees Forget to Clock In or Out

Clearly spell out in your employee handbook what qualifies as a violation or time theft. Define what happens if employees ignore the time clock. Most companies give warnings and place employees on probation for repeat violations.


5. Train Management to Remind Employees to Clock In and Out

If you’re the CEO, and you’re monitoring whether your employees are clocking in, it’s time to change that. Train your managers to talk to their employees about punching in and out. 

For new hires, make sure that this is part of the onboarding process. That way, they’ll know exactly what to do and they won’t have any issues getting paid as they start the role.


6. Set Up Text Reminders for Employees

Work can get chaotic, but sometimes all people need to get back on track is a reminder. OnTheClock offers text alerts when employees clock in and out. If the employee misses a punch, managers will know and can speak to that worker.


7. Figure Out Why Employees Aren’t Remembering to Clock In or Out

Creating a better clock-in process shows that you care about your team. Look for hurdles that may stop them. Maybe some employees have a late meeting that takes place out of the office. Instead of coming back to clock out, they go home. How can you make clocking out easier on them?


8. Set Up Clock-In Stations Around the Office

The old saying is true: Out of sight, out of mind. There’s an easy way for you to solve that problem. Put clock-in stations where your employees are most likely to use them. Seeing the time clock by the door will remind employees to clock in and out. 


9. Describe the Benefits of Clocking on Time

Your team members may not see accurate time tracking as something that makes an impact on them or the business. Take time to explain the benefits of clocking in. Once most team members understand how clocking in helps get them paid faster, they’re more likely to remember to do it.


10. Communicate Across Company Channels

OnTheClock makes it easy for employees to clock in wherever they are. Your team members can use apps on their phones, clock in from their desks, or find tablets and fingerprint scanners by the door. This makes it easy for them to track time using the method that aligns with their work style and schedule.


The Best Way to Manage Clocking In and Out

OnTheClock’s employee time tracking software gives you everything you need to make clocking in and out easy for your workers. with a 30-day trial, or use it for free with up to two employees.
OnTheClock Employee Time Tracking

Written by

OnTheClock Team

OnTheClock is the perfect app for business that want to keep track of their employees' time without spending hours doing it. With OnTheClock, you can forget about the old way of doing things.

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a thought From Lizbeth Gaona on 12/14/2020 ...
What if an employee (myself) accidentally forget to punch out? Can I edit this punch time?
reply from OTC - Hello Lizbeth, thanks for the great question. It depends how the Admin of the time clock account has the settings. Typically the Admin and/or manager will have the ability to edit your time card to adjust punch times accordingly. We hope this information helps. Have a great day.

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