No More Paper Trails – How Digital Time Tracking Transformed Three Companies' Bottom Lines

No More Paper Trails: Boosting Productivity with Digital Time Tracking

How three companies transformed their productivity with OnTheClock Time Tracking
No More Paper Trails

Efficiency is everything when running a business. This is especially true given the rising cost of goods and services, ever-changing regulatory requirements, and evolving technology requirements. 

For years, many companies relied on punch clocks, paper time sheets, or other antiquated processes to track employees' time, but the internet and mobile phones have revolutionized how businesses manage payroll and productivity. Digital time tracking software, such as OnTheClock, has proven to significantly enhance workplace efficiency and productivity by:

  • Identifying where time (and, by extension, money) is being spent; easily integrating with other systems (like payroll and project management), ensuring employees are working efficiently and tasks are completed on time; 
  • Facilitating more effective scheduling by providing real-time data on employee availability and productivity; and 
  • Providing valuable insights into how time is spent on tasks.

This article examines how three companies, operating in three different industries, swapped their paper time tracking habits for the improved accuracy and efficiency of a digital system, resulting in streamlined operations, boosted productivity, and simplified payroll. 

Suncoast Key Finds its ‘Goldilocks’ Solution

The phones at Suncoast Key, an Orlando-based communications company, were ringing off the hook. As remote work boomed amongst the pandemic, the demand for connectivity and communications services soared. Suncoast Key owner Louis Buttice began adding employees just to keep up. 

As Suncoast Key's employees bounced between locations, Buttice was having difficulty monitoring their whereabouts using his tried-and-true pen and paper system.

“With our old paper spreadsheet, we continued to mess up payroll, which caused us significant time trying to sort everything out,” Buttice said. “I was spending time after work to figure it all out, which was taking me away from my family time. I was rushing through it, making mistakes, and it all became a real headache. We needed to make a change.”

Buttice grew intrigued at the idea of digital time tracking and began trialing apps; however, time and time again, each software program he tried failed to meet their needs. 

“In order for us to complete payroll, I need notes on who did what, when it was done, and where,” said Buttice. “We tried eight different apps, and I couldn’t find one that gave us everything we needed. At one point, I was using four different apps just to keep everything together.” 

Finally, after an exhaustive search, Buttice located his “Goldilocks” solution in OnTheClock. 

“OnTheClock was exactly what we were looking for,” Buttice said. “OnTheClock allows us to keep notes with our timecards, which is important. If an employee makes a mistake, we’re able to fix it in seconds. After trialing the system for one pay period, I knew we’d found our answer.”

Now, Buttice enjoys completing payroll in less than 10 minutes — a task that previously took hours. Since adopting OnTheClock, his company has significantly reduced payroll processing time and virtually eliminated errors.

“With OnTheClock, I’m not clicking on 18 different boxes to find one piece of data,” he said. “I can access the notes for each day, which gives me all the information I need. It’s simple, quick, and works great for us.” 

Sure Tack Opts for Easy, Efficient, and Affordable Time Tracking Software

Woodstock, Georgia-based Sure Tack Systems, a division of the Crist Company Inc., manufactures a diverse line of hot melt adhesive equipment application needs. For several years, as employees arrived and left, they were required to clock in and out using paper timecards. 

As the company continued to progress, employees fell victim to the monotony of the process, forgetting to punch in and then attempting to input their hours from memory at the end of the week. From missed punches to inaccuracies and inconsistencies, the company’s paper-based time tracking system had simply become inadequate, leading to a significant investment in time and effort for the company’s HR team. 

“Oftentimes, the math wouldn’t add up, so we would spend a lot of time double-checking everything,” said Fabi Silva, office manager, Sure Tack Systems. “We were constantly asking employees about their hours; manually chasing them down; and trying to confirm who was off, who was on, when they took breaks, etc. The process required a lot of time and attention to detail.”

In the fall of 2023, Sure Tack committed to making the necessary improvements. After trialing a couple of different time management solutions, the company opted for OnTheClock in December 2023, relishing the software’s easy, efficient, and affordable time tracking and payroll integration abilities. 

“We no longer have to babysit timecards,” said Silva. “We don’t have to sort through stacks of paper or try to make out so-and-so’s handwriting. It’s all uniform. OnTheClock allows us to pinpoint any issues quickly and efficiently, which saves us a great deal of time when completing payroll.” 

Sure Tack employees are extremely happy with their new time tracking software. Their only complaint is they wish they’d brought it on sooner. 

“We’re able to complete payroll efficiently and accurately in a fraction of the time it once took,” Silva said. “OnTheClock has proven to be an extremely beneficial, convenient, and user-friendly solution for us.” 

Billy T. Cattan Recovery Outreach Center Adds Precision to its Payroll Processes

Billy T. Cattan Recovery Outreach Center is a facility dedicated to helping individuals overcome substance use and co-occurring disorders. Employees at the Victoria, Texas-based company have always manually recorded their time using paper time sheets, penciling their hours in ahead of payroll each week. However, at times, they would forget to share their hours, and when asked to update their time sheets, they’d be sent into a scramble as they attempted to recreate their schedules from memory. And, despite constant reminders, without fail, there would always be one or two who would fail to comply, delaying the entire payroll process. 

“We were always waiting for employees to turn in their time sheets,” said Ester Morton, office manager, Billy T. Cattan Recovery Outreach Center. “At times, some employees would drag their feet and wouldn't turn them in at all, which would keep us from completing payroll.”

The company recently transitioned its payroll approach, moving from its current provider’s desktop version to an online model. This required the HR team to scan and send in employees’ timecards. While the team enjoyed the updated technology, the added administrative requirements seemed like one step forward, two steps back. 

Shortly thereafter, the Billy T. Cattan team found itself back at square one. Luckily, the company discovered OnTheClock, which alleviated the paper-based headache that once served as a cog in the company’s payroll process. 

“Moving to OnTheClock meant I no longer had to manually enter payroll hours into our payroll system,” said Morton. “With OnTheClock, we’re able to easily review timecards, sign off on them, and turn them in quickly and easily. In about 30 minutes, we have our time sheets and payroll all ready to go.” 

OnTheClock simplified the process, making time input – and the rare correction – easy to complete.

“With OnTheClock, employees are empowered to enter and approve their own hours, because they’re always accessible via the software,” said Morton. “There's no more delays; we’re no longer chasing people around, and everything is accurate.”

Is Your Company Next in Line?

The success stories of Suncoast Key, Sure Tack Systems, and Billy T. Cattan Recovery Outreach Center demonstrate the benefits of scrapping the paper in exchange for the simplicity, speed, and efficiency of digital time tracking.  

By switching to OnTheClock, these companies dramatically improved the accuracy of their payroll processes, reduced administrative burden, and empowered their teams with a more efficient, streamlined solution. 

From reducing payroll processing times to eliminating costly errors, OnTheClock has proven to be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes and industries. Are you ready to celebrate similar success? Say goodbye to paper time sheets and discover the precision and efficiency of OnTheClock today! Recognize why OnTheClock is widely considered the best time tracking software for small businesses. Download OnTheClock today and try the most effective employee time tracking solution free for 30 days. For more information, visit

OnTheClock Employee Time Tracking

Written by

Herb Woerpel

Herb Woerpel is a copywriter with OnTheClock. He has 17-plus years of professional journalism experience working for community and national media outlets.

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