With pricing playing a major factor for a small businesses to be successful, your employee time clock system should not be any different. Why pay more for your time tracking software when you don't have to? As some of us get nervous when it comes to making changes, OnTheClock is here to inform those who are searching for a new clock-in system that we are here to make this process seamless, easy and cost efficient.
Finding an alternative to TSheets
If you are a current customer and user of TSheets then you may have received some news that Intuit took over TSheets, according to techcrunch.com. This may leave you scratching your head with many questions and concerns, and one of these concerns may be how much will you be paying for your time clock system. This is completely understandable due to numerous things including time sensitive documents that you have to manage for employee time cards.
So what should you do? Well that depends on your needs. If you need a reliable 100% web-based time tracking service that caters to small businesses, then look no further. OnTheClock is a Software as a Service company which means you do not have to download any messy software onto your computers. Plus, we understand what it takes for small companies to be successful because we are one. We also recommend exploring a company that their users enjoy. One way to do this is by reading reviews on third party websites about a company and their product/service.
Choosing OnTheClock as your company’s new time clock service
We are confident that you will truly enjoy our online employee time clock system and our amazing Customer Support Team. We offer the latest technology in employee time tracking while providing 100% accurate timesheets for payroll. You will be able to create an account to use absolutely free for 30 days while shopping for an alternative to TSheets.
Our robust features are designed to benefit your company in a variety of ways. We have many settings for you to choose from so you can personalize your account and get the best from your investment. We offer this because we know that our industry is not a “one size fits all.” What we mean by this is that every business is different and we try our best to accommodate for that.
What do you get with OnTheClock
As mentioned earlier we offer a great range of features and settings. Some of our top features that users seem to enjoy the most include, but aren’t limited to:
- Automation and paid breaks
- Reminders sent to employees for punching in/out via text and/or email
- IP Address lockdown for clocking in and clocking out
- Convenient time card adjustments
- Options to add tips, bonuses and commissions
As you can see there are many time clock features for your company to take advantage of. And the best part, this is only the tip of the iceberg! Our experienced product developers and team members have designed a product that people love, and by now you are probably starting to see why.
OnTheClock pricing
So, you are probably thinking to yourself “how much is my new employee time tracking system going to cost my company?” Some would assume to pay at least the current price they are now with TSheets, but you would be respectfully incorrect. Below you will see our awesome and affordable prices. Would you like to hear something else that is really neat?... You can cancel anytime and we require no contracts.