Easy time tracking for small business

Employees clock in and out - you get hours for payroll. All-in-one platform. Adopted by over 125,000 employees.

Remote employee time tracking on mobile phone Time sheets on a tablet Time clock software desktop web browser
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Over 15,000 Companies

Trust OnTheClock for accurate, easy-to-use time tracking

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4.8 Stars by 2500 Happy Customers

OnTheClock Award Winning Time Tracking

Time clock benefits that make your life easier

Punch anywhere,




Setup in 2
minutes or less

always answers

Flexible pricing,
no obligations

Save time,
save money

Get rid of timesheet mistakes, Excel
spreadsheets, paper and off-site clock-ins for good

Eliminate time tracking headaches and start focusing on your business

Live punch feed

Employee GPS

Stop wondering if employees are really on-site

Finally stop worrying about off-site clock-ins and buddy punching. With advanced GPS features and real-time location tracking, you can instantly see who's on the clock... and prevent employees from clocking in off-site.

Payroll Integration

Do your payroll in just minutes a week

Choose your pay period. Click send. And you're done. Send accurate timesheets straight to QuickBooks, Gusto, ADP, and more... and put your payroll on autopilot.

Time Clock Integration Icon
Mobile time card with details Mobile cunch clock locations with pins Time Tracking with mobile phone
Mobile Apps

Let employees sign in on any device

Give employees the flexibility to sign in with desktop, mobile, or kiosk punch. And if you need to cut down on time theft, it's easy to setup authorized sign-in devices and geofencing in minutes. With OnTheClock, you're in control.

Employee PTO

Work smarter, not harder with simple PTO management

Never spend another minute adding up PTO. With OnTheClock, time-off totals are updated automatically on employee timesheets... so you can take it off your plate for good.

time off request screen
current time off summary
setting for time sheets

Customer Success Stories

1242 Customer Reviews 4.7 Average Rating

people reviewing time clock software
OnTheClock Award Winning Time Tracking

You're 2 minutes away from an easy-to-use time clock that saves you hundreds of hours each year

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